
Showing posts from December, 2020

Week 14

Well, last week got cut short due to our remote Friday. Thank you to the kids and families that still showed up all day and did their work, it's the expectation. Ms. Edna and I love seeing your faces! Last week we finished our unit of study on Vermont. We watched a video of the book, "The Two Brothers" by William Jaspersohn, which told a tale of German immigrants moving to the USA in the 1930's. We talked about and completed a worksheet about how Vermont has changed over the course of history and how it has stayed the same. Here are some pictures of the Vermont display that Ms. Edna made using our students and Mrs. Germain's students (the other hybrid third graders ) work. She also found artifacts and books about Vermont to include. It's truly a cool showcase of what we've been studying. Thank you Ms. Edna!

Week 12 + 13

Hello Geckos!! I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving break and mini vacation. It was awesome to see the kids in person last week, two weeks without them was A LOT. They continue to do so well with the routines and expectations, they are flexible and work really hard while they are at school. I am so proud of them. Here are some photos of kickball outside at recess- social interaction, being a good "sport" and team player, learning how to take turns, lose and be a kind winner, are all important skills to learn while at school, too! In math we are continuing to focus on different strategies for solving problems. We have worked with tape diagram and place value chart. The kids have been doing a great job with this. In the work that is coming home, you will notice a lot of hundreds chart, counting forward and backwards practice. Solidifying their knowledge of these number patterns is what will help them continue to be successful as we work on harder math problems and eventual...