Week 11

Happy Thanksgiving and mini vacation!

We have remote learning today (Monday 11/23) and tomorrow. Students have vacation Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week. We will resume our normal schedule next week on Monday.

I want to say that I am so thankful for all of your children. They amaze me with their creativity, their kind hearts, their willingness to keep trying, and their INSANE flexibility this year. They are so caring and gentle with me and I feel their love constantly. Thank you for raising good humans.

I am so thankful for each and every one of YOU. For supporting us in this crazy time; for the communication, for your understanding, and for doing the best you can to make school a priority. I literally NEED you this year, in order to teach your kids. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Here are some pictures of the kids making their "Vermonsters" as we continue to study our great state. They are watching videos, reading online articles and taking notes of different facts that interest them about Vermont. This has been SO fun to do with them. I learned that the Morgan Horse is our state animal, we were the first state to have public schooling, AND we were the first state to abolish slavery.

The other amazingly impressive thing that our students did was write postcards for our local love brigade. This was a school wide assignment organized by Ms. Mangean in partnership with the love brigade. These post cards will be sent to people in need of some extra love, support or encouragement in our community. I was so proud to read the kids kind words of hope, and to see their beautiful art work.


  1. I loved learning about the state of Vermont, and so did the kids. Our brave little state is so awesome! I am extremely proud to be a Vermonter!


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